
Asphalt pavement is utilized in a variety of different applications because of its durability, cost-effectiveness, simplicity of construction, and strength. It is the material of choice for parking lots across the nation because asphalt withstands heavier loads and, when combined with proper asphalt maintenance, lasts for many years. In order to maximize the life of your asphalt parking lot or driveway, it is important to develop a pavement management plan involving routine inspections and ongoing preventative maintenance. The following are common asphalt maintenance procedures for parking lots:

Asphalt Removal & Replacement

As asphalt pavement progresses through its performance lifecycle, its appearance diminishes over time. Fine hairline cracks develop and spread within the asphalt. Without ongoing maintenance, water can enter through these cracks and holes may form, undermining the base. In this case, the most effective form of repair is to remove and replace the deteriorated area. This process consists of several important steps to ensure that the repair is performed properly. The cost for asphalt removal & replacement depends upon the geographic location, the amount of grading and base work required, and other site-specific factors.

Asphalt Resurfacing

In more severe cases of asphalt failure, a long-term and cost-effective solution is to resurface the asphalt pavement (also referred to as overlay). If you notice grade depressions (standing water on the pavement) and/or large sections of “alligatored” areas (interconnecting cracks forming a series of blocks resembling an alligator’s skin), it is a good idea to have your pavement resurfaced. This process consists of several steps including preparing and cleaning the area prior to performing work, leveling asphalt of low areas, grinding of all transitions, adjusting of all drainage structures, and many other steps unique to each site.

Resurfacing Options

Geotextile Reinforced Resurfacing – An option that may be included with asphalt resurfacing is Petromat. Petromat is a non-woven, petroleum-based geotextile fabric used to retard reflective cracking between the existing pavement and the newly installed asphalt surface. This fabric acts as a waterproofing membrane, while also adding structural support and strength.

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Have questions about your next asphalt driveway or parking lot project? RDS Paving & Sealcoating is here to help! Let our skilled contractors improve your Pennsylvania property with:

Serving Central Pennsylvania with expertise and care, we’re dedicated to providing personalized solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial needs. Reach out today to discuss your driveway, road, or parking lot project and experience the RDS difference!

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